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New to Kubed? Please start here.

Installation Guide

Create Cluster Config

Before you can install Kubed, you need a cluster config for Kubed. Cluster config is defined in YAML format. You find an example config in ./hack/deploy/config.yaml.

$ cat ./hack/deploy/config.yaml

  address: :8080
  enableReverseIndex: true
  enableSearchIndex: true
clusterName: unicorn
enableConfigSyncer: true
    handle: true
    handle: true
  - notifier: Mailgun
    handle: true
    handle: true
    - kube-system
- elasticsearch:
    endpoint: http://elasticsearch-logging.kube-system:9200
    logIndexPrefix: logkubed-
  kind: Elasticsearch
  ttl: 2160h0m0s
- influxdb:
    endpoint: https://monitoring-influxdb.kube-system:8086
  kind: InfluxDB
  ttl: 2160h0m0s
notifierSecretName: notifier-config
  handleUpdates: false
  path: /tmp/kubed/trash
  - notifier: Mailgun
  ttl: 168h0m0s
    bucket: restic
    prefix: minikube
  sanitize: true
  schedule: '@every 6h'
  storageSecretName: snap-secret

To understand the various configuration options, check Kubed tutorials. Once you are satisfied with the configuration, create a Secret with the Kubed cluster config under config.yaml key.

You may have to create another Secret for notifiers, usually called notifier-config. If you are storing cluster snapshots in cloud storage, you have to create another Secret to provide cloud credentials.

Generate Config using script

If you are familiar with GO, you can use the ./hack/config/main.go script to generate a cluster config. Open this file in your favorite editor, update the config returned from #CreateClusterConfig() method. Then run the script to generate updated config in ./hack/deploy/config.yaml.

go run ./hack/config/main.go

Verifying Cluster Config

Kubed includes a check command to verify a cluster config. Download the pre-built binary from appscode/kubed Github releases and put the binary to some directory in your PATH.

$ kubed check --clusterconfig=./hack/deploy/config.yaml
Cluster config was parsed successfully.

Using YAML

Kubed can be installed using YAML files includes in the /hack/deploy folder.

# Install without RBAC roles
$ kubectl apply -f

# Install with RBAC roles
$ kubectl apply -f

Using Helm

Kubed can be installed via Helm using the chart included in this repository. To install the chart with the release name my-release:

$ helm repo update
$ helm install stable/kubed --name my-release

To see the detailed configuration options, visit here.

Verify installation

To check if Kubed operator pods have started, run the following command:

$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -l app=kubed --watch

Once the operator pods are running, you can cancel the above command by typing Ctrl+C.

Update Cluster Config

If you would like to update cluster config, update the kubed-config Secret and restart Kubed operator pod(s).