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Azure Authenticator

Guard installation guide can be found here. To use Azure, create a client cert with Organization set to Azure.For Azure CommonName is optional. To ease this process, use the Guard cli to issue a client cert/key pair.

$ guard init client [CommonName] -o Azure

Deploy guard server

To generate installer YAMLs for guard server you can use the following command.

# generate Kubernetes YAMLs for deploying guard server
$ guard get installer \
    --auth-providers = "azure" \
    --azure.client-id=<application_id> \
    --azure.tenant-id=<tenant_id> \
    > installer.yaml

$ kubectl apply -f installer.yaml

Note: guard take <application_secret> from environment variable AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET

Procedure to find <application_id>, <application_secret> are given below. Replace the <tenant_id> with your azure tenant id.

Configure Azure Active Directory App

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal

  2. Create an Azure Active Directory Web App / API application


  3. Use the Application ID as <application_id>


  4. Click on the Settings, click on the key , generate a key and use this key as <application_secret>


  5. Click on the Manifest , set groupMembershipClaims to All and save the mainfest


  6. Add Microsoft graph api with permission Read directory data and Sign in and read user profile.


  7. Create a second Azure Active Directory native application


  8. Use the Application ID of this native app as <client_id>


  9. Add application created at step 2 with permission Access <Application_Name_Created_At_Step_2>


Configure kubectl

kubectl config set-credentials <user_name> --auth-provider=azure \
  --auth-provider-arg=environment=AzurePublicCloud \
  --auth-provider-arg=client-id=<client_id> \
  --auth-provider-arg=tenant-id=<tenant_id> \

Procedure to find <application_id>, <application_secret> and <client_id> are given above. Replace the <user_name> and <tenant_id> with your azure username and tenant id.

Or You can add user in .kube/config file

- name: <user_name>
        apiserver-id: <application_id>
        client-id: <client_id>
        tenant-id: <tenant_id>
        environment: AzurePublicCloud
      name: azure

The access token is acquired when first kubectl command is executed

$ kubectl get pods --user <user_name>

To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code DEC7D48GA to authenticate.

After signing in a web browser, the token is stored in the configuration, and it will be reused when executing next commands.